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Banana Cake

For anyone who tasted the Banana cake at the 2015 Show this is the recipe. Thanks to Anne Brett

Banana Cake

3 ½ oz Butter
9 oz Caster Sugar
1 Egg
11 oz S R Flour
½ Teaspoon Baking Powder
½ Teaspoon Bicarb of Soda
½ Teaspoon Salt
2 Mashed Bananas
3 Fluid oz Milk

Grease 8” Sandwich Tin ( I use 2 lb loaf tins )
Cream butter, sugar and egg
Sift flour with dry ingredients and fold into mixture
Add Bananas and milk
Put into tine bake Gas 4 for approx. 1 Hour ( I use 140 in an electric oven )
Leave to cool
Cut in half, sandwich with buttercream

Double up the quantities and freeze one of the cakes