DPD Supporting our Gardening Community

DPD Supporting our Gardening Community
During June 2022 representatives of the Hinckley hub of DPD visited the Greenaway Store to present the members of Burbage Gardening Club with gardening gloves, safety boots and a range of packets of seeds as part of DPD’s aim to make a positive difference to local people, local communities, and the planet that we live on as they strive to become the most sustainable delivery company.
Tina Barrow-Kaye and Lisa Francis explained that by supporting community initiatives such as ours it supports the three pillars of their sustainability approach of People, Planet, and Communities. If you would like to know more please visit www.green.dpd.co.uk
Tea and cake were served as conversations ensued about how best to use and distribute the welcome donations. In attendance were Nick Harrop, Derek Wheeler, Tim Norton, Richard Stirley, Pat Wood, Trevor Allcoat, Anne Brett, Vicki Parsons, David Parsons, Derek Lloyd, Angela Foster, Linda Barratt, Bob Gwynn, and Toni Bennett.