Rutland REMAP

Rutland REMAP
A series of fund raising events throughout 2022 by Burbage Gardening Club resulted in the presentation of £800 to Leicestershire and Rutland REMAP. Remap volunteers make bespoke items which are not commercially available for people with disabilities. This enables them to live more independent lives and the items are provided to the end user free of charge. Martin Grant, who is the local treasurer and a woodwork expert for the group, thanked the club for the generous donation. The money was raised by a plant auction, the entrance donations to the BGC Annual Show in the summer, and additional donations from club members.
The Gardening Club were told that the money will be used to purchase the materials needed for 5 projects being carried out in November which includes a corrosion proof beech walking aid for a boy with cerebral palsy, a mechanism to raise a reclining chair, a project to lower a bed, a bespoke therapy bed to improve ankle movement and a bathing aid for a corner bath. The volunteers, many with engineering experience, make around 60 items for the people of Leicestershire every year. Martin described both himself and the other volunteers as the Wallace and Gromit for disabled people. At the end of the social meeting one member was so impressed with the work and vision of REMAP that they gave an additional donation of £200! To find out more about the successes and how you can help please visit www.remapleics.org.uk
The photo shows the presentation of the cheque:
Left to right: Bob Gwynn (BGC Show Manager), Pat Wood, Trevor Allcoat, Martin Grant (REMAP) and Derek Wheeler (all members of show committee)