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Allotments Association Formed July 19th 1946

Allotments Association Formed July 19th 1946

Allotment garden pathA meeting was held at the Grove Road School Burbage. With the idea of forming an allotments Association for Burbage. Mr. T. McGraph was in the chair,and the gathering was addressed by Mr Borrett ,county organiser

For the National Allotment Society.Mr Borrrett pointed out the advantages of such an association could bring. He was supported by Mr Green, of the London Road allotment society, and by Mr R Grubb ,Parks Superintendent, at Hinckley. During the course of the meeting it was stated that the membership of an allotments Association was not confined to owners of allotments only, but open to private house-holders as well. The meeting decided to form a local branch, and a further meeting will be held in due course.

– Extract from Hinckley Times & Guardian