RHS Banksian Medal

RHS Banksian Medal
As I’m sure all our members and exhibitors know we present the RHS Banksian Medal every year at our annual show in August. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we were unable to hold our annual show in 2020 and the RHS offered a suggestion that we present the medal to someone who has done outstanding work for the club.
As you may remember after we sadly lost Geoff Briers in 2019, his wife Ann found that the lease on the Greenaway Store had expired while sorting through some of Geoff’s paperwork. To this end our chairperson, Linda Barratt, has had many, many months of correspondence, emails and telephone calls between solicitors, Burbage Parish Council and the committee members trying to get the lease updated and completed. This has been an extremely arduous task and one Linda was not expecting as the new chair to the club. Needless to say she has persevered to get the lease agreed and signed and the committee felt that Linda was fully deserving of this award. As were were able to meet in person on 27th May for a socially distanced committee meeting, Linda was duly presented with the medal and certificate by vicechair Bob Gwynn before the formal business of the meeting began.
Thanks to Jonathan Lloyd for the photograph.